Monday, November 12, 2007

SC07: It Begins

All around you will find Intel trying to make waves

Celebrating the 45nm Launch - 45 steps to Technology Leadership

Ok. So they made 45nm, what's next? With the physical limit a few nm away (from what I understand, 30nm is the limit), what are they going to shock and awe us with next?

Everyone is trying to get the final touches finished on their booths while eagerly awaiting the food coming in just 5 minutes. After an hour of eating, we will have a half hour break before the VIPs get their privileged two hour private run on the show floor. From what I hear, D-Wave is claiming to have the first quantum computer presented here, but we will have to see about that.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


It has been too long since my last post, for which there are a number of reasons.

  1. Super Computing 2007
  2. Vacation Preparation
  3. New Job
  4. Moving

I head to Reno, Nevada early tomorrow morning for SC07. I have been trying to get my research ready for presentation.  Hopefully this year will be as fun and interesting as last.

The day after I get back from Reno, my girlfriend and I are flying to Aruba for ten days.

There is a lot of preparation when I will essentially be gone for fifteen days. This should be a nice break compared to the bedlam to come.

I resigned.  When I get back from Aruba, I will be working my last week as a Software Developer for NAVTEQ. I will be moving 2529 miles from Philadelphia to Spokane, WA to take the role of Software Quality Assurance Director for PlayXPert.

I will be doing software architecture, software development, developer management, project management, system administration, continuous integration, QA management, and other tasks.

Along with the new job comes moving. I work for one week, during which I need to pack every morning and night ( as I will be gone for the two weeks prior ) which leaves no room for anything. I start Monday, December 3rd.

This come as a stumbling block for my Ensurance project on CodePlex. It is stable, fully featured, and usable, but I will not be able to work on it for a month which really pains me. The only pieces missing are the distribution tasks such as strong naming, finishing internationalization, and such. I was really looking forward to implementing the full set of fluent parameter attributes, but there is a minimal implementation right now.

I will try to post from SC07 with anything that I find.