Saturday, November 10, 2007


It has been too long since my last post, for which there are a number of reasons.

  1. Super Computing 2007
  2. Vacation Preparation
  3. New Job
  4. Moving

I head to Reno, Nevada early tomorrow morning for SC07. I have been trying to get my research ready for presentation.  Hopefully this year will be as fun and interesting as last.

The day after I get back from Reno, my girlfriend and I are flying to Aruba for ten days.

There is a lot of preparation when I will essentially be gone for fifteen days. This should be a nice break compared to the bedlam to come.

I resigned.  When I get back from Aruba, I will be working my last week as a Software Developer for NAVTEQ. I will be moving 2529 miles from Philadelphia to Spokane, WA to take the role of Software Quality Assurance Director for PlayXPert.

I will be doing software architecture, software development, developer management, project management, system administration, continuous integration, QA management, and other tasks.

Along with the new job comes moving. I work for one week, during which I need to pack every morning and night ( as I will be gone for the two weeks prior ) which leaves no room for anything. I start Monday, December 3rd.

This come as a stumbling block for my Ensurance project on CodePlex. It is stable, fully featured, and usable, but I will not be able to work on it for a month which really pains me. The only pieces missing are the distribution tasks such as strong naming, finishing internationalization, and such. I was really looking forward to implementing the full set of fluent parameter attributes, but there is a minimal implementation right now.

I will try to post from SC07 with anything that I find.

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